McKinsey Manslaughter
Want to do some insanely fucked up shit that might well indirectly kill people, but there’s a dollar in it? Turbocharge opioid sales? Identify dissidents? State corruption? Software for snatch squads? Destroy the middle class? Advance climate change? We’re all over it! McKinsey Manslaughter™ is the trusted partner to corporations and nation states the world over. Please take a look over our case studies.
Turbocharge deadly opioid sales?
Identify pesky dissidents for re-education?
Systemic corruption to secure state contracts?
Consulting for snatch squads? Starve the immigrants?
Insider Trading on MNPI gained through advising OUR CLIENTS
Destroy the middle class?
Destroy the planet?
The intro pitch paragraph on this website was purely fictional and intended to be humorous and satirical (is that clear McKinsey legal? Also, fuck you). But that’s as far as the disclaimer goes as the case studies below it are real. This list of dystopian hell studies will only continue to grow. I am not in the job of telling anyone what to do with their job, but the line between McKinsey and McKinsey Design is very blurry for me…
“Blackwater? No, no, no, that’s a completely different department! Nothing to do with me. Whilst yes, Blackwater technically does employ me, I actually work at ‘Blackwater Design’”
Do the maths people. Members of the design community have unknowingly contributed to the white washing of McKinsey’s hell-soaked reputation by participating in conferences, panels, and thought pieces. McKinsey telling the world about compassion and empathy? Get the fuck out of here.
At the bare minimum the creative community should not continue to prop up the facade that hides what McKinsey really is. They will carry on as they have for decades, with no consequence, no change at the top, till all the world is reduced to its dollar value in a fucking powerpoint. Actions, not words, reveal our real values. Over and over McKinsey has revealed its true colors. Talking of which… this piece of content is really heartwarming.